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Ashton Sovereign XXX

459,00 €*

Item no.: 16565
EAN: 4251582736047

not available

Bill Ashton Taylor was a master pipe maker in the world renowned Dunhill factory, until he opened his own workshop in the north-east of London. After his death in 2012, his right hand Jimmy Craig took over the production.

The line up is strictly English. The pipes are famous for their taste, which is a result of a special 'secret' treatment of the wood – the so called oil curing.

Drilling no filter
Surface Smooth
Series Ashton Handmade
Mouthpiece Vulcanite
Application No
Material Briar
Style Freehand

Markeninhaber: Ashton Pipes
Produktionsland: GB
E-mail Kontakt: ashtonpipes@googlemail.com